Clinical indications
Esthetic crown lengthening can provide solutions for people who are not satisfied with their smile. When gums have grown over part of the tooth, the tooth appear short. Many patients often report they are not happy with the shape or length of their teeth, and they try not to smile because of it. During the crown lengthening procedure, excess gum and bone tissue is reshaped to expose more of the natural tooth. This can be done to one tooth, or to several teeth to expose a natural, broad smile. Crown lengthening may also be recommended to make other restorative procedures, such as crowns or veneers. The combination of crown lengthening along with crowns or veneers is a life changing experience for many of our patients, as they are proud and more confident with their new smile.
Smile makeover with esthetic crown lengthening and veneers in the anterior area
Crown lengthening procedures
A total smile makeover was performed in the young patient, with a combination of surgical crown lengthening and zirconia veneers.
The patient presented gum asymmetry associated with a short right lateral incisor. A gingivectomy was performed and the final esthetic outcome is evident after the placement of a resin veneer.
This patient presented with a ridge deformity in combination with an unpleasant amalgam tattoo. A free gingival graft was utilized to augment the ridge and mask the stained tissues. Note the new prosthesis and the successful masking of the tattoo.